Classes Available

Mr. Chris offers two classes in Lewisville, TX at The Homeschool Hub. Classes meet in person during the school year once a week, with 1-2 hours of homework during the week.

Registration for new students is now open through Aug 16th!

Worldview High School

This course explores the main worldviews prevalent in the world today, as well as delving into the topic of truth. How can we know what is true, and what is right or wrong? Mr. Chris guides the class through a Socratic approach to discovering what the Bible has to say, and how a worldview shapes a person’s perspective on everything.

What: A 29-week in-person course that counts as 1 Social Studies credit

Who: Christian Homeschool students age 15-18

When: Classes are held August 26, 2024 - May 12, 2025 for 2 hours (4-6pm)

Where: The Homeschool Hub at 571 Edmonds Lane, Lewisville, TX

Cost: $500 (<$10 per class hour)

Materials Needed: Understanding the Times Textbook and Student Manual from Summit Ministries, 10 Books that Screwed Up the World, by Dr. Benjamin Wiker

Worldview Middle School

This course explores the main worldviews prevalent in the world today, as well as delving into the topic of truth. How can we know what is true, and what is right or wrong? Mr. Chris guides the class through a Socratic approach to discovering what the Bible has to say, and how a worldview shapes a person’s perspective on everything.

What: A 29-week in-person course that counts as 1 Social Studies credit

Who: Christian Homeschool students age 12-15

When: Classes are held August 26, 2024 - May `12, 2025 for 90 minutes (2-3:30)

Where: Classes are held at The Homeschool Hub at 571 Edmonds Lane, Lewisville, TX

Cost: $375 ($10 per class hour)

Materials Needed: Walking in Truth Textbook and Student Manual, from Summit Ministries; How to Be Your Own Selfish Pig, by Susan Shaeffer Macaulay